The birth of CYA RIVETS, in 1972, carries to his staff a series of forecasts, which aim is to offer a Quality Rivet.
The tradition on the market of CYA RIVETS like company goes back to the year 1.972. Nowadays we offer a new image, in which one includes new facilities with the arnplIación of 1.500 square meters of constituted floors, besides the NEW packages and packings that we are using.
The situation of the system market of fixation in Spain has found a powerful competition in the manufacturers proceeding from Asia, which prices of sale are in some cases, lower than the natives. Nowadays, the Spanish sector of the tornillería is to the fall, the prices are ridiculous and it is owed principally to the imports, since, we are present at massive imports of products and this does that the average price is kept and even descends. Bearing in mind that, the raw material raises and they are expenses that the company cannot control.
Before this situation CYA RIVETS, offers a product of better quality and a set of services that allows to attend better to our clients. For it, we have reinforced and extended our commercial network.
Today CYA RIVETS, is in an intensive manufacturing process of his products, for what, we are realizing a continuous investments in research and acquisition of machinery. Other one of the innovations of CYA RIVETS has been, modified the packing of the rivets, destined for the sector, trying to cover all the requirements and for it we have a more competitive wide catalogue.